Attending Rush events is a great way to increase your chances of becoming a member of our brotherhood. Our current members are always excited to meet new faces and get to know new members. So, make sure to attend as many events as possible to get to know us and let us get to know you!
Can't attend our events but still interested in joining? Join our Remind to stay updated.
Why join?
Networking and Job Opportunities
Service hours
Leadership Opportunities
Scholarship Opportunities
Lowest Greek Organization Fees on Campus
How does recruitment work?
Theta Tau recruits differently from your typical sorority or fraternity here at UC. During the first month of every Fall and Spring semester, we hold a 1-2 week period ("rush") for prospective members to mingle and get to know Theta Tau. Our social media (@ucthetatau) posts all of our updates on rush events, locations, dates, and times.
​If you decide that you want to Rush, we require everyone to create a slide about themselves. This slide should contain your name, graduation year, major, and any fun facts or interesting things about yourself. Slides must be submitted by September 18th at 7pm. Please send all slides to
Linked below is our interest form (non-binding). The form gives us a headcount and documentation of interest of potential members. This form also contains slide examples if you need a reference to make your own.
​Who can join?
Our recruitment events are open to all CEAS majors, including those in the FEP Program.
What happens after recruitment is done?
If we feel we're a good fit, we will extend a bid to join our brotherhood. Once you accept, you'll participate in the new member process, in which you'll learn all about Theta Tau's history and tradition, both nationally and locally. You'll be able to integrate with the rest of your pledge class as well as our active members and really get a sense of what it means to be a brother of Theta Tau.​​​
Expectations as a Brother:
Theta Tau Constitution states that members of Theta Tau must attend an event for each of the three main pillars, all PNM events, all mandatory events (Lock-In, Founder's Day, etc.), and either one DEI/Fundraising event each semester. Coming to more events is highly encouraged for a more fulfilling experience, but this is the minimum amount of events. Chapter meetings are held weekly on Wednesday nights and can be excused for a valid reason.
​All brothers are assigned to participate in a committee each semester. Brothers are expected to be active in the Chapter and their assigned committee.
Fees should be paid on time, but payment plans are available. PNM fees are $60 if you decide to rush and $140 for initiation. Once you're an initiated brother, semester fees are $190.
Email our New Member Educator at if you have any questions.