Iota Gamma Chapter Recruitment
How does recruitment work?
Theta Tau recruits differently from your typical sorority or fraternity here at UC. During the first month of every Fall and Spring semester, we hold a 1-2 week period ("rush") for prospective members to mingle and get to know Theta Tau. Our social media (@ucthetatau) posts all of our updates on rush events, locations, dates, and times.
Missed our last rush? Reach out any time to our Recruitment Chair at, or to our New Member Educator at
Who can join?
Our recruitment events are open to all CEAS majors, including those in the FEP Program.
What happens after recruitment is done?
If we feel we're a good fit, we will extend a bid to join our brotherhood. Once you accept, you'll participate in the new member process, in which you'll learn all about Theta Tau's history and tradition, both Nationally and locally. You'll be able to integrate with the rest of your pledge class as well as our active members and really get a sense of what it means to be a brother of Theta Tau.